Volume 8 #2
- Otolyth of cyclos sromatas and fishes: evolution and some quantitativ relation shin
- Some peculiarities of the taste receptors development in russian sturgeons ontogenesis
- The acoustoc properties of swimbladder in carp (Cyprius Carpio)
- Тarget speed discrimination ablities of the dolphinś echolocation system
- Electrophysiological parameters influence exerted by electric stimulation of ear upon the coclea of the inner ear
- Physical aspects of the perception of acoustic impulses in moths (Noctnidae)
- Тhe Dark Adaptation of Visual System
- The skin sensitivity of finger tipe has been studied in normal listeners and in hard of hearing children
- Characterictics and functional meanibg of oscillatory processes in retina and lateral geniculate body
- A mathematical model of the computational function of complex striate cortical cells
- Influence of the context and closure duration on the perception of the stop consonants in whispering
- Natural restrictions upon the solutions of task «shape from shading»: the analysis of psychophysical experiments
- The model of invariant description of visual patterns
- Phychophysiological and neurolingustic processing of cross-species signs: a review and a research proposal