Russian Academy of Sciences

“Sensory Systems” Journal
“Sensornye sistemy”

The journal was founded in January, 1987.
ISSN 0235-0092
The journal is published quarterly by Pleiades Publishing Group*
and is guided by the Branch of Physiology and Fundamental Medicine, Russian Academy of Sciences.
*Until 2018 the journal was publishing by Nauka Publishers

Corresponding member of RAS M.L. Firsov

Deputy Editors-in-Chief:

Andreeva I.G., PhD, D. Sci, prof.
Supin A.Ya., PhD, D. Sci, prof.

Executive Editors-in-Chief:

Gracheva M.A., PhD
Ogorodnikova E.A., PhD

Administrative manager:

Maria A. Gracheva

Editorial Board

Alexeenko S.V., PhD, D. Sci
Bibikov N.G., PhD, D. Sci
Chernetsov N.S., PhD, D. Sci, corr. memb. of RAS
Chernigovskaya T.V., PhD, D. Sci, prof.
Chochia P.A., PhD, D. Sci
Chulichkov A.I., PhD, D. Sci, prof.
Donner K., PhD, D. Sci. (Finland)
Frolov R.V., PhD
Kolesnikov S.S., PhD, D. Sci
Krylov B.V., PhD, D. Sci, prof.
Lapshin D.N., PhD, D. Sci
Nikolaev D.P., PhD, D. Sci
Nikolaev P.P., PhD, D. Sci
Ostrovsky M.A., PhD, D. Sci, Academician
Rozhkova G.I., PhD, D. Sci, prof.
Shelepin Y.E., PhD, D. Sci, prof.
Skrebitskii V.G., PhD, D. Sci, corr. memb. of RAS
Zhukovskaya M.I., PhD


sensys journal cover The journal is publishing original papers, reviews, short reports and covers researches ranging over the fields of physiology, morphology, biophysics, psychophysics of sensory systems, sensory biology, biosensors and also sensor technology, basis of coding, and analysis of information about the environment and its transformation into perceived images – visual, auditory, olfactory, etc. as well as the algorithms of automatic analysis of sensory information, its representation, interpretation and usage for various driving devices.

Translation of selected papers

Selected papers are translated into English and are published in “Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology”.


The journal is indexed in the following bases:


"Sensory Systems" Editorial Board, 14, Leninsky ave, 119071, Russia
Phone: 8 906 759-8598

Publication is free of charge