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Individual data on visual acuity and accommodation after training of accommodation under control of convergence in patients with myopia and hypermetropia

© 2016 S. I. Rychkova, M. A. Gracheva, H. P. Tahchidi

Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute), RAS 127051 Moscow, B.Karetny per., 19
Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I.Pirogov 117997 Moscow, ul.Ostrovitjanova, 1.

Received 15 May 2015

The individual data on visual acuity and accommodation range were compared before and after training of accommodation under control of convergence in patients with myopia (N = 33) and hypermetropia (N = 31). The training course consisted of 10 sessions of exercises, during which the patients were instructed to recognize visual stimuli of different sizes, presented at different distances from the eyes. During the session, we gradually changed the strength of corrective lenses under the correct control of convergence of the eye axes on the screen with the visual stimulus. The effect of training was assessed at the three observation distances: 0.5, 1.0 and 5.0 m. The majority of patients with both myopic and hypermetropic refraction had the highest positive effect at the viewing distance of 1 m. However, the individual data differed significantly. The results of the training depended on the initial level of visual acuity, accommodation range, the degree of ametropia and the presence of astigmatism. The most significant improvement of visual acuity was observed in patients with slight degree of ametropia without astigmatism. The improvement of visual acuity was usually combined with the improvement in accommodative ability.

Key words: accommodation, visual acuity, myopia, hypermetropia, convergence, functional correction

Cite: Rychkova S. I., Gracheva M. A., Tahchidi H. P. Individualnye pokazateli rezultativnosti trenirovok akkomodatsii v usloviyakh kontrolya konvergentsii u patsientov s miopiei i gipermetropiei [Individual data on visual acuity and accommodation after training of accommodation under control of convergence in patients with myopia and hypermetropia]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2016. V. 30(1). P. 42-52 (in Russian).


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