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Visual acuity dependence on refraction: diversity ambiguity of impact

© 2016 E.M. Gareev, R.A. Mukhamadeev, D.I. Koshelev

FSBI “The Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Centre” of the Russian Federation Health Ministry 450075, Bashkortostan republic, Ufa-city, Zorge str., 67/1

Received 02 Jun 2015

A relationship between visual acuity (VA) and condition of the eye optic system was investigated. The results of uncorrected VA measurements as well as spherical and cylindric refraction components were selected in people with the age ranging from 11 to 60 in whom VA reduction could be caused specifically by refraction anomalies – in all 571 cases (eyes). In addition the same measurements were used in 56 ophthalmically healthy people (112 eyes). It was shown that in the space of theoretically permissible combinations of spherical and cylindric components there are areas of their most likely, unlikely and practically not possible combinations. In different regions of this space VA depenedence upon the combinations of spherical and cylindric refraction components is exhibited in a certain specific way and, on the whole, it may be described as a surface of a very complicated shape. When distinguishing only a spherical component or only a cylindric one this dependence is most adequately described by nonlinear functions. The degree and sign of the linear VA correlation with these refraction components change on different axis segments of their variation and especially they radically change with a spherical refraction component.

Key words: visual acuity, refraction, myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism

Cite: Gareev E. M., Mukhamadeev R. A., Koshelev D. I. Zavisimost ostroty zreniya ot refraktsii: raznoobrazie i neodnoznachnost vliyaniya [Visual acuity dependence on refraction: diversity ambiguity of impact]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2016. V. 30(1). P. 17-28 (in Russian).


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