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Multisensory information processing in visual, auditory and gustatory sensory systems with involvement of infraslow brain potential oscillations

© 2016 K. S. Pugachev, I. V. Filippov, A. A. Krebs, E.A. Zelentsov, E.V. Zyuzin, P. M. Maslyukov

Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Yaroslavl State Medical University (YSMU), 150000, Russia, Yaroslavl, Revolutsionnaya Street, 5

Received 03 Feb 2015

The aim of this work was to reveal and to analyze alterations of infraslow brain oscillations (ISO) in the range of seconds, dozens of seconds and minutes over projections of: the visual cortex (O1) under not only photic but also acoustic and taste stimulus exposure; the auditory cortex (T3) under not only acoustic but also visual and taste sensory stimulation; the frontal neocortex (Fp1) under application of not only gustatory but also visual and acoustic stimuli. We included 16 healthy human volunteers (8 men, 8 women) with the age of 24–41 (n = 48 repeated recordings). The recordings have been done by means of surface scalp Ag/AgCl electrodes, multichannel AC/DC amplifier and analog-to- digital converter. It was found the presence of continuous spontaneous dynamics of ISO in O1, T3 and Fp1 recordings under all experimental conditions that we used, these were ISO in the domain of seconds (frequencies of 0.1–0.5 Hz), dozens of seconds (0.0167–0.l Hz) and minutes (frequencies of less than 0.0167 Hz). We documented statistically significant different modifications of ISO in the domain of sends and dozens of seconds over projection of visual cortex (in O1 recordings) under conditions of not only photic but also acoustic and taste stimulus exposure. There were observed significant separate changes of ISO in the range of seconds and dozens of seconds over projections of auditory cortex (in T3 recordings) in response of not only to acoustic but to photic and gustatory sensory stimulation. Additionally, we determined statistically significant diverse alterations of ISO dynamics in the domain of sends and dozens of seconds over projection of frontal neocortex (in Fp1 recordings) under conditions of not only various testants application but also to visual and acoustic stimulus presentations. Obtained results indicate that ISO in the domain of seconds and multisecond fluctuations are involved in the multisensory afferent information processing by means of their spectral power shifts, moreover these ISO spectral pattern responses have both sensory modality-specific and sensory stimulus-specific properties.

Key words: infraslow brain potential oscillations, multisensory information processing, electrophysiology, sensory system physiology, visual cortex, auditory cortex, frontal neocortex

Cite: Pugachev K. S., Filippov I. V., Krebs A. A., Zelentsov E. A., Zyuzin E. V., Maslyukov P. M. Multisensornye protsessy pererabotki informatsii v korkovykh predstavitelstvakh zritelnoi, slukhovoi i vkusovoi sensornykh sistem cheloveka pri uchastii sverkhmedlennykh kolebanii potentsialov [Multisensory information processing in visual, auditory and gustatory sensory systems with involvement of infraslow brain potential oscillations]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2016. V. 30(1). P. 79-95 (in Russian).


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