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Effects of temporal and spatial features of visual stimulation on saccades in normal controls and parkinsonian patients

© 2016 P.O. Ratmanova, A.S. Litvinova, R.R. Bogdanov, D.A. Napalkov, V.B. Polyanskii

Faculty of Biology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University 119234 Moscow, Leninskie Gory 1/12, Russian Federation
Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute n.a. M.F. Vladimirsky 129110 Moscow, Schepkina str., 61/2, Russian Federation

Received 22 Sep 2015

We studied effects of spatial and temporal features of visual stimulation on saccadic eye movement’s parameters in young and older healthy volunteers and patients with early stages of Parkinson’s disease. Three stimulation paradigms were used: no delay, overlap and gap. The visual targets were located to the right and left, up and down from the central stimulus. Our findings have demonstrated that the temporal characteristics of stimulation had significant effects on saccadic latency and duration in all the groups of participants. The factor of spatial location of visual targets had less pronounced influence on latency and duration of saccades than the temporal factor. Spatial asymmetry of saccadic parameters was associated with individual properties of the participants, age and disease factors. Patients with Parkinson’s disease had longer saccadic latencies, produced gap effect with smaller magnitude and performed much more multistep saccades then age-matched controls. The degree of saccadic abnormalities demonstrated by parkinsonian patients depended both on stimulation paradigm and on spatial location of visual targets.

Key words: saccades, gap effect, asymmetry, Parkinson’s disease

Cite: Ratmanova P. O., Litvinova A. S., Bogdanov R. R., Napalkov D. A., Polyanskii V. B. Vliyanie vremennykh i prostranstvennykh kharakteristik stimulov na parametry sakkadicheskikh dvizhenii glaz v norme i pri bolezni parkinsona [Effects of temporal and spatial features of visual stimulation on saccades in normal controls and parkinsonian patients]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2016. V. 30(1). P. 29-41 (in Russian).


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