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Protanomaly: Possibilities for compensation and color discrimination training

© 2016 A. V. Belokopytov

Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute), RAS 127994 Moscow, B. Karetny per., 19

Received 02 Sep 2015

Principal possibilities and experimental results to compensate strong protanomaly (A degree by Rabkin classification) are discussed. The idea of compensation is to transform visual stimulus radiation spectrum by increasing red radiation fraction 5–6 times compared to the green and blue fractions (active compensation – using modified computer monitors with additional red backlight) or alternatively decrease 5–6 times green and blue radiation fractions compared to the red fraction (passive compensation – using light filters). The main results are obtained for active compensation, when strong feeling of yellow color as a color of special category arises. Color thresholds measurements in the conditions of active compensation show that color discrimination of red colors greatly improves, but color discrimination of green colors becomes noticeably worse. The variant of apparatus for active compensation is found when the training effect occurs, which significantly improves color discrimination and lasts for half a year.

Key words: color vision, color vision deficiencies, protanomaly, color discrimination thresholds, anomaly compensation, color vision training

Cite: Belokopytov A. V. Protanomaliya: vozmozhnost kompensatsii i trenirovki tsvetorazlicheniya [Protanomaly: possibilities for compensation and color discrimination training]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2016. V. 30(1). P. 3-16 (in Russian).


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