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Acoustic brainstem evoked potentials as the evaluation tool for the functional state of the central nervous system in children with disseminated encephalomyelitis

© 2016 V. B. Voitenkov, M. Yu. Boboshko, N. V. Skripchenko, A. V. Klimkin, A. V. Surovtseva, E. S. Garbaruk

Scientific Research Institute of Children’s Infections, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 197022 Professora Popova, 9
First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg 197022 St. Petersburg, Lev Tolstoy str. 6/8
Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University 194100 St. Petersburg, Litovskaya str. 2

Received 01 Jun 2015

30 patients (age 12–17 years) with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) were investigated implementing acoustic brainstem evoked potentials (BAEPs). Significant diffuse slowing of the conduction along the brainstem acoustic pathways was discovered. Later its transient nature was proven by the repeated BAEPs investigation 1–2 months after the treatment course. Taking into the account diffuse and transient nature of this slowing, it may not be explained by the local lesion of the brainstem. It may be suggested that this slowing may happen due to brainstem swelling and reticular formation activity inhibition.

Key words: acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, children, acoustic brainstem evoked potentials, reticular formation

Cite: Voitenkov V. B., Boboshko M. Yu., Skripchenko N. V., Klimkin A. V., Surovtseva A. V., Garbaruk E. S. Akusticheskie stvolovye vyzvannye potentsialy kak instrument otsenki funktsionalnogo sostoyaniya tsentralnoi nervnoi sistemy u detei s disseminirovannym entsefalomielitom [Acoustic brainstem evoked potentials as the evaluation tool for the functional state of the central nervous system in children with disseminated encephalomyelitis]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2016. V. 30(1). P. 63-68 (in Russian).


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