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New criteria for neural network encoder learning in the string segmentation problem

© 2019 A. V. Sheshkus, Y. S. Chernyshova, A. N. Chirvonaya, D. P. Nikolaev

Smart Engines Limited, 117312 Moscow, pr. 60-letiya Oktyabrya, 9, Russia
Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of Russian Academy of Sciences, 119333 Moscow, Vavilova str., 44-2, Russia
National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”, 119049 Moscow, Leninsky pr., 4, Russia
Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute) RAS 127051 Moscow, Bolshoi Karetny per., 19, Russia

Received 10 Sep 2018

In this paper weconsider the problem of character segmentation. Image processing methods are widely used in various specialized algorithms, whichcannot solve the problem entirely. In some papers authors use different customizations based on the structures on the image and improve the final segmentation on the basis of knowledge about the alphabet and the font. However, such algorithms can be complicated and too non-robusttowards the alphabet and the font of the text.We suggest the neural network encoder learning approach instead of classic method for cuts estimation between characters. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach using strings from RF passport fields as an example and show the advantages of the suggested approach over the classic one.

Key words: convolutional neural networks, deep learning, text segmentation, cumulative sum

DOI: 10.1134/S0235009219020094

Cite: Sheshkus A. V., Chernyshova Y. S., Chirvonaya A. N., Nikolaev D. P. Novyi kriterii obucheniya neirosetevogo enkodera v zadache segmentatsii stroki na simvoly [New criteria for neural network encoder learning in the string segmentation problem]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2019. V. 33(2). P. 171-178 (in Russian). doi: 10.1134/S0235009219020094


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