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Contribution of the spectral and temporal mechanisms to analysis of complex sound signals

© 2019 O. N. Milekhina, D. N. Nechaev, A. Ya. Supin

A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS, 119071 Moscow, Leninsky Prospect, 33, Russia

Received 01 Aug 2018

Frequency resolving power (FRP) of hearing was measured in normal-hearing listeners. FRP was specified as a maximal resolvable ripple density (ripples/oct) in rippled spectra. The test signal featured periodical (every 400 ms) reversals of the ripple phase. The measurements were carried out by comparison of a test and comparison signal. Either a rippled- spectrum signal with a constant ripple phase (contrary to the test signal with phase reversals) or a flat (non-rippled) spectrum signal were exploited as a reference signal. Each measurement trial included one test and two reference signals, randomly ordered. The listener identified the test signal as differing from two others. With the use of a rippled-spectrum test signal, FRP estimate was 8.9 ± 0.6 cycle/oct. With the use of a flat-spectrum reference signal, FRP estimate was 26.1 ± 8.8 cycle/oct. Hypothetically, this difference arose due to different contributions of the spectral and temporal mechanisms of frequency selectivity. The spectral mechanism played a primary role for discrimination of two rippledspectrum signals, whereas the temporal mechanism primarily contributed to discrimination between the rippled- and flat-spectrum signals.

Key words: hearing, rippled spectrum, frequency resolving power

DOI: 10.1134/S0235009219020057

Cite: Milekhina O. N., Nechaev D. N., Supin A. Ya. Uchastie spektralnogo i vremennogo mekhanizmov v analize slozhnykh zvukovykh signalov [Contribution of the spectral and temporal mechanisms to analysis of complex sound signals]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2019. V. 33(2). P. 124-134 (in Russian). doi: 10.1134/S0235009219020057


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