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Identity documents forgery detection with mobile devices

© 2019 D. V. Polevoy

Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of RAS 19333 Moscow, Vavilova avenue, 44-2, Russia
National University of Science and Technology “MISIS” 119991 Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 4, Russia
Smart Engines Ltd., 117312 Moscow, 60-letiya Oktyabryaavenue, 9, Russia

Received 23 Nov 2018

There is a growing interest in using of identity documents images for users registration and identification in mobile and fintech services. At the same time, these technologies increase the risks of losses from fraud. This paper reviews approaches and methods for solving the actual problem of document fraud detection on mobile devices.

Key words: identity documents fraud detection, document image recognition, image processing, mobile device, smartphone, identification

DOI: 10.1134/S0235009219020070

Cite: Polevoy D. V. Ispolzovanie mobilnykh ustroistv dlya vyyavleniya priznakov fabrikatsii dokumentov, udostoveryayushchikh lichnost [Identity documents forgery detection with mobile devices]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2019. V. 33(2). P. 142-156 (in Russian). doi: 10.1134/S0235009219020070


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