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Attractors for visual attention and visual scene analysis

© 2018 O. V. Levashov

Research Centre of Neurology, 125367 Moskow, Volokolamskoye schosse, 80, Russia

Received 20 Feb 2018

We proposed a method for the description of attention shift in early vision. The results obtained show that there are some specific features which attract strong visual attention – “visual attractors”. The strongest attractors were water reflection and fragments of distorted and strange objects (for example – the objects on S. Daly’s pictures). We have also found that the subjects of “visual type” have more wide attention field and understand the 3D structure of the scene immediately. In contrast, the subjects of “analytic type” catch the features in a restricted area and cannot understand the 3D structure of a scene. We suggest that the first points of fixation are determined by the interaction between complicated neuron ensembles which are formed in visual experience and which work in early vision as parallel processors (“top-down” model).

Key words: preattentive vision, scan-path, visual attractors, visual attention, image scanning trajectories, visual models, functional brain asymmetry

DOI: 10.1134/S0235009218030083

Cite: Levashov O. V. Attraktory zritelnogo vnimaniya i analiz zritelnykh stsen [Attractors for visual attention and visual scene analysis]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2018. V. 32(3). P. 198-207 (in Russian). doi: 10.1134/S0235009218030083


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