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Methods of training data augmentation in the task of image classification

© 2018 S. O. Emelyanov, A. A. Ivanova, E. A. Shvets, D. P. Nikolaev

Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS, 127051 Moscow, Bolshoi Karetny lane, 19, Russian

Received 26 Feb 2018

Machine learning (and artificial neural network training in particular) is one of the most prominent approaches to the task of object recognition in images. Typically such artificial neural networks are trained on large datasets containing tens or hundreds of thousands of elements. However gathering a dataset of significant size is a very complex task in practice. In this paper we consider the existing methods to train an efficient classifier when such a large training dataset is unavailable. We focus on one particular approach – data augmentation – and various methods for implementing it, and present a systematic approach for choosing which augmentation transformations and their parameters to use in each particular task.

Key words: neural networks, data augmentation, image classification, small datasets

DOI: 10.1134/S0235009218030058

Cite: Emelyanov S. O., Ivanova A. A., Shvets E. A., Nikolaev D. P. Metody augmentatsii obuchayushchikh vyborok v zadachakh klassifikatsii izobrazhenii [Methods of training data augmentation in the task of image classification]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2018. V. 32(3). P. 236-245 (in Russian). doi: 10.1134/S0235009218030058


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