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Artificial training data generation for the task of character recognition of fields of russian passport

© 2018 A.V. Gayer, Y.S. Chernyshova, A.V. Sheshkus

National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”, 119049 Moscow, Leninsky prosp., 4, Russia
Smart Engines,117312 Moscow, Prospekt 60-Letiya Oktyabrya, 9, Russia

Received 31 Aug 2017

This paper describes an algorithm for data synthesis for learning convolutional neural networks, which is an actual problem because obtaining enough natural training data is rather difficult and expensive, and in some cases – impossible. In this article existing methods for data generation were considered and data generator based on set of fonts and backgrounds was developed. Experiments were conducted to train neural networks on generated datasets and results were compared to accuracy of the network, which was trained on natural data – images with symbols from fields of russian passport, as well as on intermediate versions of obtained datasets. The proposed approach has shown its effectiveness – the accuracy of learning on a synthesized dataset is comparable to that of natural data.

Key words: OCR systems, artificial datasets, ANN, machine learning, synthetic training dataset

DOI: 10.1134/S023500921803006X

Cite: Gayer A. V., Chernyshova Y. S., Sheshkus A. V. Generatsiya iskusstvennoi obuchayushchei vyborki dlya zadachi raspoznavaniya simvolov polei pasporta rf [Artificial training data generation for the task of character recognition of fields of russian passport]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2018. V. 32(3). P. 230-235 (in Russian). doi: 10.1134/S023500921803006X


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