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Modelling of the unmanned aerial vehicle navigation on the basis of two height-shifted onboard cameras

© 2018 A. K. Popov, A. B. Miller, K. V. Stepanyan, B. M. Miller

Institute for Information Transmission Problems of RAS (Kharkevich Institute), 127051 Moscow, Bolshoy Karetny per., 19

Received 28 Sep 2017

Automatic landing of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is non-trivial issue, demanding resolution of the whole spectrum of technical and computing problems. At the final stage of landing the errors level of existing navigation means may not be acceptable for autonomous landing. It is desirable to have an additional sensor, which makes it possible to reliably estimate the height above the runway. With the help of the so-called optical flow (OF), determined by the sequence of images recorded by a single on-board camera, one can estimate the velocities of the UAV, but it is necessary to know the height and angular position values. The UAV, equipped with a pair of height-shifted cameras recording images of the underlying surface, can estimate both speed and altitude. With the help of the IMODEL software, the modelling of image sequences recorded by a pair of height-shifted on-board cameras was carried out and the altitude estimation method have been verified.

Key words: navigation, UAV, optical flow, Kalman filter

DOI: 10.7868/S0235009218010043

Cite: Popov A. K., Miller A. B., Stepanyan K. V., Miller B. M. Modelirovanie protsessa navigatsii bespilotnogo letatelnogo apparata s ispolzovaniem dvukh bortovykh kamer, smeshchennykh po vysote [Modelling of the unmanned aerial vehicle navigation on the basis of two height-shifted onboard cameras]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2018. V. 32(1). P. 19-25 (in Russian). doi: 10.7868/S0235009218010043


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