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Investigation of Src-kinase inhibitor PP2 effects on modulation of slow sodium channels by ouabain

© 2017 Т. N. Shelykh, I. V. Rogachevsky, V. N. Moshkina, S. A. Podzorova, B. V. Krylov, V. B. Plakhova

Pavlov Institute of Physiology, RAS, 199034 Saint-Petersburg, Makarova emb., 6.

Received 03 Aug 2016

Possible involvement of Src-kinase in transduction of nociceptive signals evoked by binding of ouabain to the transducing site of Na+, К+-АТPase was investigated by patch-clamp method. Speci c Src-kinase inhibitor (PP2) introduced into intracellular solution prior to extracellular action of ouabain at low concentrations was demonstrated to totally block modulation of slow sodium channels NaV1.8 by ouabain: the value of effective charge transfer (Ze ) of Nav1.8 channels activation gating device after ouabain application was the same as in the control experiments. Src-kinase was thus shown to be involved as a series unit in transduction of the nociceptive signal from Na+, К+-АТPase to NaV1.8 channel.

Key words: nociception, patch-clamp method, slow sodium channels, cardiotonic steroids, Src-kinase, Na+, К+-ATPase

Cite: Shelykh Т. N., Rogachevsky I. V., Moshkina V. N., Podzorova S. A., Krylov B. V., Plakhova V. B. Issledovanie vliyaniya ingibitora src-kinazy pp2 na sposobnost uabaina modulirovat medlennye natrievye kanaly [Investigation of src-kinase inhibitor pp2 effects on modulation of slow sodium channels by ouabain]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2017. V. 31(1). P. 16-21 (in Russian).


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