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Architecture of a system for computer vision-based vehicle detection and classification under natural conditions

© 2017 A. Grigoryev, S. Gladilin, T. Khanipov, I. Koptelov, D. Bocharov, D. Matsnev

Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS 127051 Moscow, Bolshoi Karetny per., 19
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 141701 Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Institutskii per., 9

Received 12 Oct 2016

In this work we explore the architecture of a system for moving object detection and classi cation under outdoor observation conditions with xed scene geometry using the example of the vision-based automatic vehicle classi er (AVC). We consider the evolutionary development of the system from the prototype to a mature product achieving high classi cation quality under wide range of natural conditions. Based on the analysis of the AVC, we propose a model software architecture applicable in development of a wide range of industrial computer vision systems that allows to gradually increase the complexity and functionality of the system on the way from an early prototype to a mature product.

Key words: software architecture, computer vision, moving object classification, multicriterial classification, vehicle classification, axle counting, Viola-Jones detector, pattern recognition

Cite: Grigoryev A., Gladilin S., Khanipov T., Koptelov I., Bocharov D., Matsnev D. Arkhitektura sistemy detektsii i klassifikatsii avtomobilei sredstvami tekhnicheskogo zreniya v estestvennykh usloviyakh [Architecture of a system for computer vision-based vehicle detection and classification under natural conditions]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2017. V. 31(1). P. 72-84 (in Russian).


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