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Localization of a stereo camera equipped robot using poles with known location as landmarks

© 2017 I. V. Polyakov, A. S. Grigoryev

Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS 127051 Moscow, Bolshoi Karetny per., 19

Received 10 Oct 2016

Visual localization is gaining wide adoption in robotics research. In localizing a robot within known environment one can simplify the task by using arti cial landmarks with known xed location. In this work, we use black and white distinctively striped poles as such landmarks. The key point about landmarks of this kind is that their orientation cannot be visually discerned. We propose a localization approach for such landmarks with unknowable orientation that takes into account the nite precision of computer vision systems, particularly errors in distance computation from wide-angle binocular images. The statistically optimal estimates are obtained using grid-based Bayesian methods, which allows plugging in arbitrary error distributions.

Key words: localization, position estimation, unmanned ground vehicles, computer vision, landmark recognition, grid-based Bayesian estimation

Cite: Polyakov I. V., Grigoryev A. S. Orientatsiya v prostranstve osnashchennogo stereoparoi robota po stolbam s izvestnym raspolozheniem [Localization of a stereo camera equipped robot using poles with known location as landmarks]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2017. V. 31(1). P. 85-91 (in Russian).


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