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Bright light induced freezing behavior in American cockroach, Periplaneta americana

© 2017 E. S. Novikova, M. I. Zhukovskaya

Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, RAS, 194223, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Thorez Pr., 44

Received 07 Jun 2016

Animals evolved di erent behavioral strategies to adapt to a 24 h-cycle, namely, the rest-activity alternation. Bright light, being applied during scotophase, causes profound changes in the activity of the nocturnal insect, cockroach Periplaneta americana. We found that experimental illumination evokes the gradually developing freezing reaction. Speci c changes in the grooming pattern under the illumination are indicative of a developing stress response. The periods of total immobility suggest the appearance of the “masking” effect, i.e. a photophase-like behavior during scotophase.

Key words: light, freezing behavior, insect, cockroach, scotophase

Cite: Novikova E. S., Zhukovskaya M. I. Reaktsiya zamiraniya pod deistviem yarkogo sveta u amerikanskogo tarakana, periplaneta americana [Bright light induced freezing behavior in american cockroach, periplaneta americana]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2017. V. 31(1). P. 44-50 (in Russian).


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