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Interaction between intraoral taste subsystem and distant sensory systems in fish

© 2015 G. V. Devitsina, T. V. Golovkina, F. S. Lobyrev

Biological Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119234 Moscow, Leninskie Gory 1, b. 12

Received 05 Mar 2015

Changes in the morphology and in the ultra structure of the taste reception apparatus were investigated by the method of electron scanning microscopy in three sections of the orofaringial cavity of fishes (rainbow trout Parasalmo mykiss) after chronical deprivation of the distantly acting systems (olfactory and vision reception). It is shown that deprivation of the olfactory as well as of the optical reception gives rise to reliable changes in oral taste apparatus morphology, which are similar in intensity and dynamics of their manifestations. The activation of the taste nipples grows occurs in the mucous coat of sensory zones of the fishes subjected to chronicle sensory deprivation. The simultaneous activation of the morphogenesis processes of taste reception elements was noted in the taste nipples of jaw and central sections of the oro-pharyngeal cavity. No reliable changes were revealed in the taste apparatus of the pharyngeal section after the sensory deprivation. Changes in the taste apparatus morphology caused by the sensory deprivation persist over all the observation time (9 months). The obtained dates are indicative of the existence well developed olfaction-taste and vision-taste interactions, which are realized on the level of the oral taste subsystem.

Key words: taste system, interaction of sensory systems, taste buds, fishes

Cite: Devitsina G. V., Golovkina T. V., Lobyrev F. S. Vzaimodeistvie intraoralnoi vkusovoi subsistemy s sensornymi sistemami distantnogo deistviya u ryb [Interaction between intraoral taste subsystem and distant sensory systems in fish]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2015. V. 29(3). P. 201-212 (in Russian).


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