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Quantitative study of the Muller-Lyer illusion in schoolchildren without and with ophthalmopathology

© 2015 S. I. Rychkova

Institute of Information Transmission problems, RAS 127994 Moscow B.Karetnyi per, 19

Received 10 Oct 2014

Quantitative study of the Muller-Lyer illusion in comparison with regular estimation by sight has been performed in schoolchildren of different age. In our study, 157 healthy pupils and 162 pupils with ophthalmopathology were tested. The mesurements were performed using: 1) the interactive software that allowed to control the length of a test line to make it equal to the reference line in the test figures for the observation of illusion or the length estimation by sight; 2) printed test charts with different variants of test images. The second way allowed us to study the range in which unequal test and reference lines can be perceved by a child as the equal ones. It has been established that the power of the Muller-Lyer illusion decreases with age both in healthy pupils and in pupils with ophthalmopathology. However, this age dynamics is less pronounced in pupils with ophthalmopathology than in healthy pupils, suggesting a slowing of the development of visual functions in children with ophthalmopathology.

Key words: Muller-Lyer illusion, regular estimation by sight, age dynamics, ophthalmopathology

Cite: Rychkova S. I. Kolichestvennaya otsenka illyuzii myullera-laiera u shkolnikov v norme i pri oftalmopatologii [Quantitative study of the muller-lyer illusion in schoolchildren without and with ophthalmopathology]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2015. V. 29(3). P. 245-250 (in Russian).


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