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Electric responses of the brain and of eyeball movements to focused ultrasound stimuli causing tactile sensations, skin and joint pain, normal and at treatment with hemodialysis

© 2015 E. M. Tsirulnikov, E. S. Titkov, N. N. Shestakova, D. A. Belinskaya, A. I. Smirnova, G. A. Oganesyan, N. P. Vanchakova1, E. A. Vackel1

I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, RAS 194223 St.-Petersburg, Torez Pr., 44
1The State Pavlov Medical University, Saint-Petersburg 197022 St.-Petersburg, L.Tolstoy St., 6/8

Received 25 Dec 2014

Electrical potentials on electroencephalogram (EEG) and during nystagmoid eye movements in answer adequate stimulation and focused ultrasound are evoked k-complexes. Such potentials are connected with near threshold sensations of different modalities including pain and reflect common features of head brain cortex taking part in sensory perception. Latency, amplitude and duration of electrical potentials are quantitative indices of intensity and continuance of stimulation and the length of sensation. Electrical answers of kidney pathology patients connected with near thresholds tactile sensations and near threshold pain are characterized by increase of thresholds, prolongation of electrical answers and eye movements latency. Both eye and EEG answers are similar in latency and fashion. Electrical answers can be objective index of sensations independently from their modality. Participation of eyeballs will be under research in future.

Key words: evoked k-komplex, electroencephalogram, eyeball movements, focused ultrasound, hemodialysis, tactile sensations, pain

Cite: Tsirulnikov E. M., Titkov E. S., Shestakova N. N., Belinskaya D. A., Smirnova A. I., Oganesyan G. A., Vanchakova N. P., Vackel E. A. Elektricheskie otvety mozga i glaznykh yablok na stimuly fokusirovannogo ultrazvuka, vyzyvayushchego taktilnye oshchushcheniya, kozhnuyu i sustavnuyu bol v norme i pri lechenii gemodializom [Electric responses of the brain and of eyeball movements to focused ultrasound stimuli causing tactile sensations, skin and joint pain, normal and at treatment with hemodialysis]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2015. V. 29(3). P. 265-270 (in Russian).


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