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Special features of illusory visual perception in schizophrenia patients

© 2015 E. A. Tolmacheva, V. V. Ognivov, T. D. Shevelenkova1, V. A. Bastakov

Institute of information transmission problems RAS 127051 Moscow, Bol’shoi Karetnyi per., 19
1L.S. Vygotsky Institute for Psychology RSUH 125993 Moscow, Chayanov st., 15

Received 20 Feb 2015

Geometrical-optical illusions are visual illusions, in which the geometrical properties of what is seen differ from those of the corresponding objects in the visual field. Schizophrenia is one of the most serious and dramatic psychiatric diseases, pathogenesis of which is far from being understood. Although much work in the cognitive neuroscience of schizophrenia has focused on attention, memory and executive functioning, little is known about perceptual processing. The aim of this research was to investigate the power of geometrical-optical illusions in relation to precision of usual length estimation by sight in a group of schizophrenia patients, healthy volunteers and neurologic patients with Parkinson’s disease. The measurements were performed using interactive software that allowed controlling the length of a test line to make it equal to the reference line. According to results obtained in this study, patients with schizophrenia have a lower immunity to Müller-Lyer illusion compared to both healthy volunteers and patients with Parkinson disease. No difference in precision of usual length estimation by sight as well as no correlation between precision of length estimation by sight in usual and illusory conditions were found. It is suggested that a lower immunity to Müller-Lyer illusion might reflect higher predisposition to psychotic state and therefore it might be used in clinical practice.

Key words: visual perception, geometrical-optical illusions, Müller-Lyer illusion, length estimation by sight, schizophrenia

Cite: Tolmacheva E. A., Ognivov V. V., Shevelenkova T. D., Bastakov V. A. Osobennosti proyavleniya zritelnogo illyuzornogo vospriyatiya u bolnykh shizofreniei [Special features of illusory visual perception in schizophrenia patients]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2015. V. 29(3). P. 251-257 (in Russian).


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