• 1990 (Vol.4)
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Frequency selectivity of hearing

© 2015 D. I. Nechaev, E. V. Sysueva

Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the RAS 119071 Moscow, Leninsky Pr., 33

Received 29 Apr 2015

TA review of the frequency selectivity of the human hearing system. The review includes data of many psychoacoustic experiments and models, built on their base. Models were described both with classical methods of masking and using nonmasking methods and complex signals.

Key words: hearing, psychoacoustic, frequency tuning

Cite: Nechaev D. I., Sysueva E. V. Chastotnaya izbiratelnost slukha [Frequency selectivity of hearing]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2015. V. 29(3). P. 181-200 (in Russian).


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