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Changes in seasonal hormonal response of chinese hamster (Cricetulus Griseus) males to the chemical signals of heterospecific females with different levels of divergen

© 2015 N. Yu. Feoktistova, E. V. Potashnikova

Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution., RAS 119071 Moscow, Leninsky Prospect, 33

Received 12 Mar 2015

It was studied the changes of the seasonal males hormonal response of Chinese hamster (Cricetulus b. griseus, Cricetinae, Rodentia, Milne-Edwards, 1867) to the urine odors of heterospecific females with different level of divergence time (close form Transbaikal hamster (Cricetulus pseudogriseus) and well isolated hamster species (Cricetulus sokolovi). It is shown that in all season (exept winter) there are no hormonal response of males to heterospecific females. Significant (p < 0.05) increasing in testosterone levels in males were observed in response to the exposure odor of urine of well isolated Cricetulus sokolovi females (the divergen time which is about 1 million years). In response to a similar olfactory signals of conspetsific femails increase in males testosterone levels were observed in all seasons except autumn. The significant increasing in cortisol levels males show only in response to the smell of urine of Cricetulus pseudogriseus females only in the spring (p < 0.05). The results have been discussed in context of role of chemical communication in problem of species and speciation.

Key words: Cricetulus griseus, C. pseudogriseus, C. sokolovi, chemical signals, behavioral response, testosterone, cortisol

Cite: Feoktistova N. Yu., Potashnikova E. V. Sezonnye osobennosti gormonalnogo otveta samtsov kitaiskogo khomyachka (cricetulus griseus) na khimicheskie signaly samok dvukh vidov geterospetsifikov [Changes in seasonal hormonal response of chinese hamster (cricetulus griseus) males to the chemical signals of heterospecific females with different levels of divergen]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2015. V. 29(3). P. 258-264 (in Russian).


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