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Changes in the visual areas of the cerebral cortex in children with left-sided anisometropic amblyopia according to structural MRI and resting-state fMRI

© 2024 V. V. Gorev, A. V. Gorbunov, Ya. R. Panikratova, A. S. Tomyshev, I. E. Hatsenko, N. N. Kuleshov, J. M. Salmasi, K. A. Hasanova, L. M. Balashova, E. I. Lobanova, I. S. Lebedeva

Morozov Children Clinical Hospital, 119049, Moscow, 4-i Dobryninsky lane, 1/9, Russia;
Mental Health Research Center, 115522, Moscow, Kashirskoe highway, 34, Russia;
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, 117997, Moscow, Ostrovityanova street, 1, Russia;
Noncommercial partnership «International scientific and practical center for tissue proliferation»,119034, Moscow, Prechistenka street, 29/14, Russia

Received 11 Aug 2023

Thanks to the development of structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods, in recent decades there has been a lot of research aimed at elucidating brain abnormalities caused by amblyopia. In the cases of this prevalent visual disorder, the anomalies causing decreased visual acuity and other visual disabilities cannot be determined by standard ophthalmologic examination. Since there are several types of this disorder that are fundamentally different in etiology, it is natural to suggest the presence of different types of corresponding brain abnormalities. In this regard, before obtaining a general picture of the pathogenesis of amblyopia, studies conducted on groups of specially selected similar patients are very important. This paper presents the results of a study of school-age children with left-sided anisometropic amblyopia. In the patients investigated, MRI data revealed interhemispheric differences in the thickness of the lateral occipital cortex, and resting-state fMRI revealed interhemispheric differences in the local coherence of the hemodynamic signal within 17 Brodmann area and in the functional connectivity between 17 and 18+19 Brodmann areas. The data obtained contribute to the creation of a general MRI database on the pathophysiology of amblyopia, help clarify some controversial issues and indicate the advisability of using resting-state fMRI in ophthalmology.

Key words: visual system, anisometropic amblyopia, MRI, resting-state fMRI, interhemispheric differences

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009224010027

Cite: Gorev V. V., Gorbunov A. V., Ya. R. Panikratova, Tomyshev A. S., Hatsenko I. E., Kuleshov N. N., Salmasi J. M., Hasanova K. A., Balashova L. M., Lobanova E. I., Lebedeva I. S. Izmeneniya v zritelnykh zonakh kory golovnogo mozga u detei pri levostoronnei anizometropicheskoi ambliopii po dannym strukturnoi mrt i funktsionalnoi mrt pokoya [Changes in the visual areas of the cerebral cortex in children with left-sided anisometropic amblyopia according to structural mri and resting-state fmri]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2024. V. 38(1). P. 30–44 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009224010027


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