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Experimental methods to study the sound source localization by distance in humans

© 2023 I. G. Andreeva, V. M. Sitdikov, E. A. Ogorodnikova

Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences 194223 Saint Petersburg, pr. Torez, 44, Russia
Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences 199034 Saint Petersburg, Makarov emb., 6, Russia

Received 03 Apr 2022

The review presents current methods used for researches of the auditory distance perception. The monaural and binaural cues of stationary and moving sources localization are considered. The role of binaural hearing in estimating the distance to a sound source is discussed in detail. The involvement of localization cues in absolute and relative distance estimation is described. The advantages and limitations of different experimental practices for forming virtual sound images are discussed. The special section discusses approaches to the creation of moving sound images. The results of auditory distance estimations obtained by different methods for stationary and moving sound sources are summarized. The review includes the results of the authors' own studies and a description of promising experimental and applied approaches of this research field.

Key words: spatial hearing, binaural hearing, acoustical virtual reality, minimal audible distance, auditory egocentric distance, motion perception

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009223030022  EDN: WTAATY

Cite: Andreeva I. G., Sitdikov V. M., Ogorodnikova E. A. Eksperimentalnye podkhody k izucheniyu lokalizatsii istochnikov zvuka po rasstoyaniyu [Experimental methods to study the sound source localization by distance in humans]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2023. V. 37(3). P. 183–204 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009223030022


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