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Discrimination of rippled spectra in listeners with hearing loss at two experimental paradigms

© 2023 D. I. Nechaev, O. N. Milekhina, M. S. Tomozova, A. Ya.Supin

Institute of Ecology and Evolution of The Russian Academy of Sciences 119071 Moscow, Leninsky Prospect, 33, Russia

Received 22 May 2023

Frequency resolving power (FRP) of hearing was measured in listeners 30 to 82 years old as a maximal resolved ripple density (ripples/oct) of rippled-spectrum signals. The rippled-spectrum signal should be distinguished either from another rippled signal with different positions of ripples on the frequency scale or from a “flat”-spectrum signal with no spectral ripples. Signals had either 2-oct wide frequency band centered at 1, 2, or 4 kHz, or had a wide frequency band 0.125–8 kHz. Listeners older than 60 had substantially increased tonal thresholds (haring loss). If the listener should distinguish a rippled test signal from a rippled reference signal, FRP correlated with the tonal threshold: the higher threshold, the lower FRP. For all the signals, the trend of the dependence was from –0.04 to –0.07 ripples/oct·dB. It is suggested that in this case, the test and reference signals were discriminated by the spectral mechanism and depended on the interrelation between the ripple density and acuteness of the frequency-tuned filters. If the listener should distinguish the ripple test signal from a flat reference signal, the FRP dependence on tonal threshold was not statistically significant for 2-oct-wide signals on condition that the signal level was above threshold. Or the wide-band signal, the FRP dependence on tonal threshold was statistically significant with a trend of –1.23 ripples/oct·dB. It is suggested that in this case, the test and reference signal were discriminated by the temporal-processing mechanism and depended on the perceived frequency range.

Key words: hearing, hearing loss, rippled spectra, spectral discrimination, temporal processing

DOI: 10.31857/S023500922303006X  EDN: UGPERQ

Cite: Nechaev D. I., Milekhina O. N., Tomozova M. S., Supin A. Ya. Razlichenie grebenchatykh spektrov u ispytuemykh s oslablennym slukhom pri dvukh skhemakh eksperimenta [Discrimination of rippled spectra in listeners with hearing loss at two experimental paradigms]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2023. V. 37(3). P. 269–280 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S023500922303006X


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