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CT-images correction method for binarization quality improvement

© 2020 V. V. Kokhan, M. V. Grigoriev, A. V. Buzmakov, V. I. Uvarov, A. S. Ingacheva, M. V. Chukalina

Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharhevich Institute) Russian Academy of Sciences, 127051 Moscow, Bolshoy Karetny lane 19, build. 1, Russia
Smart Engines Service LLC, 117312 Moscow, 60-letiya Oktyabrya avenue 9, Russia
Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High-Purity Materials Russian Academy of Sciences, 142432 Chernogolovka, Akademika Osipyana Street 6, Russia
FSRC “Crystallography and Photonics” Russian Academy of Sciences, 119333 Moscow, Leninsky avenue 59, Russia
Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science Russian Academy of Sciences, 142432 Chernogolovka, Akademika Osipyana Street 8, Russia

Received 09 Oct 2019

The properties and applications of products made of porous structures depend on their morphology. Parameters such as porosity, specific surface area of pores and others are traditionally used to descript them. The parameters can be estimated using traditional hardware methods or using the results of computed tomography of the porous structure. The image reconstructed by the tomographic method is presented in grayscale. To calculate the parameters of the studied porous structure, the image must be binarized. Due to the wide range of the reconstructed image voxels intensity and the presence of noise, the binarization process is not a trivial procedure. To reduce noise, the reconstructed images are filtered before the binarization. Papers by other authors contain references to the use of filters of various types when working with tomographic images of porous structures, but there is no justification for choosing a filter type. In this paper, we propose an approach to choose the optimal type of filter, which is based on two estimates: image distortion evaluation after the filtration step and the number of “levitating stones” (objects that do not connect to the surrounding material) in the pores after the binarization step. An algorithm is developed for processing cases of “levitating stones” remaining in the image. A new method for correcting images of porous structures contains threestages: optimal filtering of the reconstructed image, threshold binarization, processing of cases with remaining stones.

Key words: Porous structure, segmentation, filters, computed tomography

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009220020067

Cite: Kokhan V. V., Grigoriev M. V., Buzmakov A. V., Uvarov V. I., Ingacheva A. S., Chukalina M. V. Metod korrektsii kt-izobrazhenii poristykh struktur dlya povysheniya kachestva binarizatsii [Ct-images correction method for binarization quality improvement]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2020. V. 34(2). P. 147–155 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009220020067


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