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Threshold loudness’ changes for the first and last pulse in sequence in listeners with normal hearing and hearing losуs

© 2020 L. K. Rimskaya-Korsakova, D. I. Nechaev

JSC Andreyev Acoustics Institute 117036 Moscow, Shvernika St. 4, Russia
Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution 119071 Moscow, Leninsky Prospect. 33, Russia

Received 10 Sep 2019

The test pulses were the first or last in the pulse sequence with repetition period of T. The dependences of the detection threshold of test pulses loudness on the period T were obtained. The goal was to study the properties of temporal resolution and changes of test pulses loudness. Test pulse and 11 masking pulses have a center frequency of 4 kHz and a frequency band of 240 Hz. The level of masking pulses was 80 dB SPL. The period T varied in the range of 20–150 ms. Temporal resolution of the test pulse loudness corresponded to the minimum period, a Tmin threshold, at which the listener could hear the test pulse. The pulse loudness changes, a dIso shifts, were estimated as the difference between the detection thresholds of the test pulses presented in the pulse sequence with period Tmin and in silence. The Tmin threshold and the dIso shifts were compared with the auditory sensitivity of the listeners, as well as with the temporal summation of tones and pulse sequences. Five listeners with normal hearing ~20 dB were included in first group and two listeners with highfrequency hearing loss of ~40 dB – in second group. For listeners of two groups, temporal resolution and loudness changes of the test pulses correlated with auditory sensitivity, but for listeners of the first group, the same properties correlated with temporal summation of the pulse sequences. For the listeners of the first group, the Tmin threshold was of 25 ms when temporal summation of the pulse sequences were equal to ~2 dB, but increased up to 50–80 ms when the temporal summation increased up to ~6 dB. At the same time the dIso shift reached 14–28 dB for the last test pulse, and 10–23 dB for the first test pulse. For the listeners of the second group, the Tmin thresholds were high, ~80–150 ms, and the dIso shifts were low, ~0–9 dB. The Tmin threshold and the dIso shift could characterize the auditory temporary processing of periodic sounds in the listeners.

Key words: loudness, impulse, periodic sequence, masking, summation

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009220020092

Cite: Rimskaya-Korsakova L. K., Nechaev D. I. Izmeneniya porogovoi gromkosti pervogo ili poslednego impulsa posledovatelnosti u slushatelei s normalnym slukhom i slukhovymi poteryami [Threshold loudness’ changes for the first and last pulse in sequence in listeners with normal hearing and hearing losуs]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2020. V. 34(2). P. 117–130 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009220020092


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