• 1990 (Vol.4)
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© 2020 E. N. Iomdina, O. M. Selina, G. I. Rozhkova, A. V. Belokopytov, E. I. Ershov

Helmholtz National Medical Research Center of Eye Diseases 105062 Moscow, Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya, 14/19, Russia
Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute) 127051 Moscow, B. Karetny per., 19, Russia

Received 17 Dec 2019

The purpose of this research was to assess the perspectives of using contact lens with implanted occluder (CL + O) for far peripheral vision investigation. Contact lens with sufficiently large artificial opaqueness at the center seems to be a proper tool for separation of peripheral visual mechanisms since it prevents any possibility of test stimulus foveating. Earlier studies with similar contact lenses were aimed to mimic vision loss in the case of macular degeneration by means of creating artificial scotoma with relatively small occluders which only “switched off” foveal area and near periphery from visual perception. The task of our study was to separate far peripheral vision using significantly larger occluders in order to provide a possibility to investigate peripheral visual capabilities in natural visual conditions without gaze fixation and division of attention. The calculations based on geometrical optics analysis taking into account the quantitative data available in literature on the human eye structure were used for assessment of the blind zone size created with a given occluder in various experimental conditions in view of proper CL + O choice for experimental sessions. The experimental part of the work included measurements of the blind zone size and position in the visual field varying the occluder diameter and ambient illumination (to change the pupil size). It has been concluded that CL + O is promising for peripheral vision investigations, however, application of CL + O requires thorough control of experimental conditions because the occluded retinal area essentially depends on the individual eye optics and illumination of the experimental scene.

Key words: peripheral vision, vision without fovea, contact lens, implanted occluder, calculation of blind area

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009220020043

Cite: Iomdina E. N., Selina O. M., Rozhkova G. I., Belokopytov A. V., Ershov E. I. Kontaktnaya linza s implantirovannym okklyuderom kak sredstvo dlya otsenki dalnego perifericheskogo zreniya v estestvennykh usloviyakh [Contact lens with implanted occluder as a tool for assessment of far peripheral vision in natural viewing conditions]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2020. V. 34(2). P. 100–106 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009220020043


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