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Assessment of visual sensations of color changes on chronic pain patients during empatho-technique sessions

© 2020 V. A. Ishinova

Federal Scientific Disabled Rehabilitation Center named after G.A. Albrecht 195067 St. Petersburg, Bestuzhevskaya str., 50, Russia

Received 10 Nov 2019

The article presents the results of the visual sensation colors parameters investigation in patients with chronic pain of different origin during Empatho-technique sessions. There were studied visual sensations which did and didn’t appear in response to pain in trigger points. The impact of Empatho-technique is aimed at enhancing the antinociceptive system activity and deactivation of the excitation focus in the brain which results in the chronic pain intensity decrease. It was found out that the visual sensations of the long wave color of chromatic spectrum and dark grey colors (“grey” scale) appeared in response to poststimulus pain. The pain absence revealed itself in the medium and short-wave colors of the chromatic spectrum and light-grey colors. The reduction of chronic pain intensity, change of the visual sensation parameters and their approximation to the parameters of the control group provide grounds to assume that visual sensation color can correlate with the CNS functional state and can serve as a sign of the nociceptive and antinociceptive systems activity. On top of that, the Empatho-technique usage allows not only to eliminate the pain sensations but also to foster researches of pain and visual modalities interaction mechanisms. In accordance to received results there can presume the participation of the color-sensitivity cells in the appearing of the visual sensations of the different color. In accordance to received results there can presume the participation of the color-sensitivity cells in the appearing of the visual sensations of the different colors.

Key words: Empatho-technique, chronic pain of the psychogenic, somatogenic and neurogenic origin, color opponent systems, antinociceptive system, excitation focus, color of visual sensation

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009220020055

Cite: Ishinova V. A. Otsenka izmenenii tsveta zritelnykh oshchushchenii pri khronicheskoi boli v protsesse seansov empatotekhniki [Assessment of visual sensations of color changes on chronic pain patients during empatho-technique sessions]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2020. V. 34(2). P. 91–99 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009220020055


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