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Evaluation of the method of inactivation of the cricket cercal sensilla by means of electrocercogramm

© 2019 A. M. Lunichkin, Yu. A. Baulin, M. I. Zhukovskaya, A. N. Knyazev

Institute of evolutionary physiology and biochemistry of I.M. Sechenov RAN, 194223 St. Petersburg, Toreza Av, 44, Russia
Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 197101 St. Petersburg, Kronverksky Av., 49, Russia

Received 20 Apr 2019

A new method of registration of electrical activity of isolated cercus, the electrocercogramm, was proposed. Waveform reaction to air puff consists of fast transient negative on-response, followed by sustained plato, and transient off- response on the stimulus termination. Cercus inactivation by applying glycerol layer onto its surface was employed before in behavioral experiments. Glycerol inactivation of isolated cercus reduces amplitudes of on- and off-responses by factor of 2–3, the plato value falled below the noise level for the majority of preparations.

Key words: electrocercogram, mechanoreception, cercus

DOI: 10.1134/S023500921904005X

Cite: Lunichkin A. M., Yu. A. Baulin, Zhukovskaya M. I., Knyazev A. N. Otsenka metoda inaktivatsii tserkalnykh sensill sverchka pri pomoshchi elektrotserkogrammy [Evaluation of the method of inactivation of the cricket cercal sensilla by means of electrocercogramm]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2019. V. 33(4). P. 351-354 (in Russian). doi: 10.1134/S023500921904005X


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