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The equivalent frequency-tuned filter form for discrimination of spectral pattern of sound signals: Contribution of the lateral suppression and harmonics

© 2018 D.I. Nechaev, V.V. Popov, A.Ya. Supin, E.V. Sysueva

Institute of Ecology and Evolution of RAS 119071 Moscow, Leninsky prospect,33

Received 25 Jul 2017

Thresholds for spectral contrast of rippled (comb-filtered) spectrum sound signals were measured as a function of ripple density. The lowest thresholds (lower than 01.) were found at ripple densities of 3 to 4 oct–1. At lower densities (down to 1 oct–1) and higher densities (up to 6 oct–1) threshold increased. Additionally, the threshold dependence on ripple density featured fluctuations of periodicity of 1 oct–1. Threshold decrease at ripple densities around 4 oct–1 may be explained by spectral contrast sharpening due to lateral suppression. Threshold fluctuations of periodicity of 1 oct–1 may be explained by involvement of harmonics.

Key words: hearing, comb-filtered spectra, lateral suppression, contrast sharpening, harmonics

DOI: 10.7868/S0235009218020075

Cite: Nechaev D. I., Popov V. V., Supin A. Ya., Sysueva E. V. Forma ekvivalentnogo chastotno-izbiratelnogo filtra pri razlichenii spektralnoi struktury zvukovogo signala: uchastie lateralnogo podavleniya i garmonik [The equivalent frequency-tuned filter form for discrimination of spectral pattern of sound signals: contribution of the lateral suppression and harmonics]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2018. V. 32(2). P. 169-176 (in Russian). doi: 10.7868/S0235009218020075


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