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Quantitative study of Poggendorff illusion in school children with normal binocular vision and with strabismus

© 2018 S.I. Rychkova

Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS 127994 GSP‑4, Moscow, B. Karetny per., 19

Received 03 Nov 2017

Quantitative study of Poggendorff illusion in comparison with regular estimation by sight has been performed in school children of different age. In our study 60 pupils with normal binocular vision and 60 pupils with strabismus were tested. We used printed test charts with different variants of the real position of the test line segment in relation to the reference line segment for quantitative estimation the range in which a subject perceives the segments as located on the same straight line. It has been established that the power of Poggendorff illusion in junior pupils with strabismus is comparable to the power of the illusion in junior pupils with normal binocular vision. Meanwhile the power of Poggendorff illusion decreases with age in pupils with normal binocular vision while reliable age-related dynamics of the power of the illusion in pupils with strabismus was not detected.

Key words: Poggendorff illusion, age dynamics, binocular vision, strabismus

DOI: 10.7868/S0235009218020038

Cite: Rychkova S. I. Kolichestvennaya otsenka illyuzii poggendorffa u shkolnikov s normalnym binokulyarnym zreniem i pri kosoglazii [Quantitative study of poggendorff illusion in school children with normal binocular vision and with strabismus]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2018. V. 32(2). P. 137-144 (in Russian). doi: 10.7868/S0235009218020038


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