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The method of canine odor visualization

© 2018 V.I. Krutova, E.P. Zinkevich

A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS 119071 Moscow, Leninsky pr., 33

Received 14 Nov 2017

A fundamentally new method of smell evaluation, we called the method as a separate visualization is proposed on the ability of animals, particularly domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) to communicate signals between different modalities. We experimentally shown that those can be olfactory stimuli and indifferent at the beginning of the experiment visual signs. During the training, the abstract signs are given meaning. The solution to dog tasks olfactory recognition not directly smell, but through another modality we interpret as the possibility of symbolization of the sense of smell. This effect should be useful in solving a variety of tasks to study the cognitive abilities of dogs and their use of smell in the framework of the proposed method. Also confirmed the ability of dogs to the transfer of the generated rules for the identification of the smell when using unfamiliar olfactory stimuli.

Key words: cognitive capacities of dogs, symbolization of olfactory signals, methodological approaches to dog olfaction research

DOI: 10.7868/S023500921802004X

Cite: Krutova V. I., Zinkevich E. P. Metod kinologicheskoi vizualizatsii zapakha [The method of canine odor visualization]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2018. V. 32(2). P. 145-153 (in Russian). doi: 10.7868/S023500921802004X


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