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© 2017 D. I. Nechaev, E. V. Sysueva

Institute of Ecology and Evolution, RAS 119071, Moscow, Leninsky prosp., 33

Received 29 Sep 2016

The frequency resolving power of human hearing was investigated by using the phase reversal test in conjunction with recording slow auditory evoked potentials (SAEP). The rippled noise was used as a test signal. The central frequency of the signal was 2 kHz, and its spectrum bandwidth was from 5 to 1 oct. The principle of the test was to find the highest ripple density at which the SAEP to interchange of spectral peak and trough positions was recorded. The ripple-density resolution was 8.5 rip/oct at spectrum bandwidth from 5 to 2 oct. This result is in agreement with psychophysical data. The ripple density resolution was 6.9 rip/oct at bandwidth 1 oct, which is below psychophysical data.

Key words: hearing, frequency resolution power, rippled spectrum, evoked potential

Cite: Nechaev D. I., Sysueva E. V. Razlichenie grebenchatoi struktury spektra zvukovogo signala chelovekom pri razlichnoi shirine spektra: elektrofiziologicheskoe issledovanie [Resolution of sound rippled spectrum an different bandwidths by humans: electrophysiological study]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2017. V. 31(2). P. 144-149 (in Russian).


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