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© 2017 D. A. Shepelev, A. A. Tereshin, P. P. Nikolayev, E. I. Ershov

Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS 127051, Moscow, Bolshoi Karetny lane, 19

Received 30 Nov 2016

In this paper the number of stereo correspondence problems caused by non-lambertian surface behavior and possible ways to overcome them are considered. Dependency between colors of corresponding pixels and camera’s view positions is proposed using linear theory. Image correction method as a preprocessing step for stereo correspondence algorithm is considered. This method is based on dominant light source chromaticity estimation. Dependency between stereo correspondence quality and precision of light source coloration determination is experimentally studied. Also a new algorithm for source coloration determination in case when scene contains two and more uniformly colored objects with highlight is proposed. New algorithm was tested using real scene images with light source coloration ground truth. Obtained datasets were published.

Key words: stereo correspondence, color, color space, flare, source coloration determination, clustering

Cite: Shepelev D. A., Tereshin A. A., Nikolayev P. P., Ershov E. I. O problemakh sopostavleniya pikselei stereopary s tochki zreniya lineinoi modeli formirovaniya tsvetnogo izobrazheniya [Stereo correspondence problems in terms of linear theory of spectral stimulus formation]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2017. V. 31(2). P. 150-160 (in Russian).


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