• 1990 (Vol.4)
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  • 1987 (Vol.1)


© 2017 P. P. Nikolaev, G. I. Rozhkova

Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute), RAS 127051 Moscow, B. Karetny per., 19

Received 01 Dec 2016

In the last series of his papers published during 1975–1980 A. Yarbus tried to formulate general conceptions concerning the basic principles of retinal image processing in the human visual system. Focusing primarily on the problems of color vision, A.Yarbus intended to elaborate a comprehensive model imitating information processing in human with normal 3-chromatic color perception. The key idea of A. Yarbus concerned explanation the whole variety of color sensations and the phenomena of color constancy due to the usage of the signals from the so-called blind retina – the extreme retinal periphery where the formation of images is supposedly impossible and only di used light is present. In this paper, the most important of Yarbus’s experimental paradigms, findings, statements, and conclusions are discussed in relation to the classical theories of color perc eption and, in particular, to the fundamental theses of the Nyberg’s school. The perceptual model developed by A. Yarbus remained incomplete. Our retrospective analysis of this model revealed some intrinsic contradictions and restrictions that make it insuffcient regarding elaboration of a universal comprehensive model. However, as a whole, the experimental achievements and general ideas of A. Yarbus are principally interesting and deserve more thorough appreciation and further investigation.

Key words: color vision theory, blind retina, color constancy, human vision modeling

Cite: Nikolaev P. P., Rozhkova G. I. Analiz kontseptsii a. l. yarbusa o roli slepoi setchatki v tsvetovospriyatii [Analysis of the yarbus’s conceptions on the role of the blind retina in color perception]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2017. V. 31(2). P. 116-138 (in Russian).


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