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Crowding-effect in the centre of the visual eld in dependence on distractors layout

© 2016 V. M. Bondarko, M. V. Danilova, S. D. Solnushkin, V. N. Chikhman

Pavlov Institute of Physiology, RAS 199034 St. Petersburg, Nab. Makarova, 6

Received 19 May 2016

In psychophysical experiments we studied the effect of surrounding objects on the recognition of low-contrast foveal test objects. The tests were Landolt rings of size of 1.1 and 1.5 deg. The distractors were similar Landolt rings or full rings without the gaps. The distance between the centers of the test and the additional objects varied from 1 to 2 diameters of the test. The observers' task was to identify the orientation of the test presented at xation. The three experiments differed in the number of distractors and their layout. In the rst experiment, only one distractor was added randomly to the left or right from the test. In the second experiment, two distractors were located symmetrically around the test and were of the same orientation. In the third experiment, the orientation of two symmetrical distractors was random. One distractor impaired recognition of the test at larger separations than did two distractors. Landolt rings were more effective than the rings without gaps. We discuss the contributions of attention and feature integration to crowding effects.

Key words: recognition, crowding-effect, Landolt ring, critical spacing, features integration, attention

Cite: Bondarko V. M., Danilova M. V., Solnushkin S. D., Chikhman V. N. Krauding-effekt v tsentre polya zreniya v zavisimosti ot raspolozheniya distraktorov [Crowding-effect in the centre of the visual eld in dependence on distractors layout]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2016. V. 30(4). P. 282-289 (in Russian).


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