• 1990 (Vol.4)
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Gluconobacter cells and thermally expanded graphite based biosensor

© 2016 A. N. Reshetilov, A. E. Kitova, A. V. Machulin, S. E. Tarasov, M. A. Gutorov, S. V. Alferov, V. V. Kolesov, P. M. Gotovtsev, R. G. Vasilov

G. K. Skryabin Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms, RAS 142290 Pushchino, prospect Nauki, 5
1OOO GAMMA, 124498 Zelenograd, prospect Georgievskii, str. 20
Tula State University, Russia, 300600 Tula, prospect Lenina, 92
V.A. Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, RAS 125009 Moscow, ul. Mokhovaya, 11, k. 7
National Research Centre “Kurchatovsky Institute”, 123182 Moscow, pl. Ac. Kurchatova, 1

Received 19 May 2016

Electrochemical biosensor based on Gluconobacter oxydans cells immobilized on the thermally expanded graphite (TRG) thin lm of the electrode surface was developed for the sensibility enhancement of the ethanol detection. Сhronoamperometric and cyclic current-voltage characteristics were obtained. Screen-printed electrodes (SPE) modi ed by TRG had higher values of recorded currents in contrast to non-modi ed electrodes. Method of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was used for the study of electrical resistances and capacitances of SPE. It was shown that the increase of modi ed electrodes signal amplitude was connected to the reducing of overall internal resistance of the system. A 3-fold enhancement of the modi ed bioelectrode sensitivity to the ethanol was obtained compared to the value observed with an unmodi ed biosensor.

Key words: Gluconobacter oxydans, thermally expanded graphite, screen-printed electrodes

Cite: Reshetilov A. N., Kitova A. E., Machulin A. V., Tarasov S. E., Gutorov M. A., Alferov S. V., Kolesov V. V., Gotovtsev P. M., Vasilov R. G. Biosensor na osnove kletok gluconobacter i termorasshirennogo grafita [Gluconobacter cells and thermally expanded graphite based biosensor]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2016. V. 30(4). P. 351-354 (in Russian).


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