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Binocular functions developing in patients sith strabismus by means of computerized treatment of the functional suppression scotoma

© 2016 I. V. Senko, S. I. Rychkova, M. A. Gracheva, H. P. Tahchidi

Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute), RAS 127051 Moscow, B. Karetny per., 19
Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov 117997 Moscow, ul.Ostrovitjanova, 1

Received 17 May 2016

"Functional suppression scotoma (FSS) is known as a hard to treat disorder, even if computerized treatment techniques are engaged. According to the experience accumulated in work with various treatment programs, we are to suggest a comprehensive method for FSS eliminating and decreasing of suppression. The method provides possibilities of separate left and right eye stimulus demonstration, stimulus ickering frequency adjustment and strabismic angle compensation. The method also includes an easy and handy procedure for treatment progress assessment. Assessment of the method effectiveness was conducted in a group of 14 strabismic patients, 7–11 years old. Functional treatment was provided by means of computerized programs in conditions of color (anaglyph) separation. Stimulation of the weaker eye was provided by presenting ickering object with increasing frequency of ickering. The treatment procedure was based on a game scheme. Suppression scotoma diagnostics was conducted before and after the course of treatment (by means of scotoma diagnostic part in the same program set). After the treatment course of 10 sessions by 15 min, it was revealed that all subjects had a signi cant decrease in FSS area and improvement of some binocular functions (assessed by means of Worth and Bagolini tests). Also, most patients had improvement of visual acuity. The results obtained show that, by virtue of comprehensive stimulation according to the methods developed, even patients with FSS may get a suf cient improvement in binocular vision function in a short period."

Key words: functional suppression scotoma, retinal correspondence, binocular vision, strabismus, functional treatment

Cite: Senko I. V., Rychkova S. I., Gracheva M. A., Tahchidi H. P. Razvitie binokulyarnykh funktsii u patsientov s kosoglaziem putem vozdeistviya na funktsionalnuyu skotomu kompyuternymi metodami [Binocular functions developing in patients sith strabismus by means of computerized treatment of the functional suppression scotoma]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2016. V. 30(4). P. 319-325 (in Russian).


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