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Noise estimation for multispectral visualization

© 2016 D. S. Sidorchuk, I. A. Konovalenko, S. A. Gladilin, Y. I. Maximov

Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS 127051 Moscow, Bolshoi Karetny lane, 19

Received 18 Apr 2016

We propose the technique of improving multispectral local contrast preserving visualization in noisy environment. The technique is based on weighting of image bands according to estimations of their noise level. We consider two approaches to weighting coef cients calculation: the min/max autocorrelation factors (MAF) method and the new method that considers each channel as a realization of a parameterized gaussian process. Likelihood maximization gives the parameter values which are used to estimate noise. Validity of the ordering given by both methods is verified using manually marked multispectral dataset. We also show examples of visualization improvement obtained by bands weighting. The dataset used consists of publicly available real multispectral images.

Key words: multispectral images, multispectral visualization, noise estimation, local contrast preserving

Cite: Sidorchuk D. S., Konovalenko I. A., Gladilin S. A., Maximov Y. I. Otsenka shumnosti kanalov v zadache vizualizatsii multispektralnykh izobrazhenii [Noise estimation for multispectral visualization]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2016. V. 30(4). P. 344-350 (in Russian).


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