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Comprehensive assessment of the functional suppression scotoma in patients with strabismus

© 2016 S. I. Rychkova, M. A. Gracheva, I. V. Senko, H. P. Tahchidi

Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute), RAS 127051 Moscow, B. Karetny per., 19
Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov 117997 Moscow, ul.Ostrovitjanova, 1

Received 10 May 2016

"Functional suppression scotoma (FSS) is a “blind” area, manifesting itself in the visual eld of the squinted eye only in condition when both eyes are open, and disappearing when observation is monocular (one eye is closed). Suppression scotoma is a prevailing form of sensory adaptation of binocular vision system aimed to eliminate possible diplopia due to asymmetrical eyes position in strabismus. Unfortunately, the techniques available do not allow obtaining detailed information on the FSS structure and parameters. In this work we present the results of the FSS investigation, carried out by means of a specially elaborated computer program providing a possibility for qualitative and quantitative assessment of the FSS properties in the central and peripheral zones of the visual eld on the basis of counting the cases of test object detection and missing. Subjects: 32 patients with concomitant strabismus (23 patients with convergent and 9 with divergent strabismus) with different refractory anomalies are presented. Control group: 24 patients with refractory anomalies, but without strabismus. In the course of testing, suf cient differences in results obtained for strabismic and control groups have been revealed. In strabismic group, the percentages of missed peripheral objects were signi cantly larger (13.3±0.23% in average, max – 72.5%), than in control group (0.45±0.02% in average, max – 2.5%). Moreover, only 7 patients with strabismus were able to fuse the central xation object, while in the control group all the patients successfully handled this task. The procedure appeared to be relatively easy and not tiresome for the patients. Thus, the elaborated program could be considered as suitable for regular examination of kids."

Key words: functional suppression scotoma, retinal correspondence, binocular vision, strabismus, visual diagnostics

Cite: Rychkova S. I., Gracheva M. A., Senko I. V., Tahchidi H. P. Kompleksnaya otsenka funktsionalnykh skotom u patsientov s kosoglaziem [Comprehensive assessment of the functional suppression scotoma in patients with strabismus]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2016. V. 30(4). P. 312-318 (in Russian).


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