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The role of simpatic-epinephrine system in the changes of electrical activity of the brain hemisphere cortex and hypothalamus under vibration exposure

© 2016 GS. M. Minasyan, E. S. Gevorkyan, N.N. Ksadjikyan

Yerevan State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Human and Animal Physiology Armenia, 0025 Yerevan, Manukyana str.,1

Received 19 Jun 2015

To explore the role of simpatic-epinephrine system in the changes of electrical activity of the brain under vibration exposure (60 Hz during 3 months, 3 hours daily) we have studied effects of the exposure to de-sympatization and de- medullation on the functional status of the hypothalamic ascending activation system. The data obtained showed that after de-sympatization and de-medullation the organism still able to form peculiar reduced adaptive reaction to the vibration exposure. These reactions, in many features (especially its brain cortex and hypothalamus electrical activity) are qualitatively identical to those of the intact animals’ reactions.

Key words: simpatic-epinephrine system, vibration, hypothalamus, electrical activity of the brain

Cite: GS. M. Minasyan, Gevorkyan E. S., Ksadjikyan N. N. Rol simpatoadrenalovoi sistemy v izmenenii elektricheskoi aktivnosti kory bolshikh polusharii i gipotalamusa pri vozdeistvii vibratsii [The role of simpatic-epinephrine system in the changes of electrical activity of the brain hemisphere cortex and hypothalamus under vibration exposure]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2016. V. 30(3). P. 228-233 (in Russian).


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