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Discrimination of sound signals with rippled spectra in the noises of different spectral compositions

© 2016 O. N. Milekhina, D. I. Nechaev, A. Ya. Supin

Institute o Ecology and Evolution RAS 119071 Moscow, Leninsky Prospect, 33

Received 31 Mar 2016

Discrimination of complex sound signals in noise was investigated in normal listeners. Rippled-spectrum signals were used as a version of complex sound signals. The rippled spectrum was 0.5 oct wide centered at 2 kHz; the ripples were frequency proportional. Discrimination of these signals were measured using two paradigms: (i) Measurement of threshold for discrimination of ripple spacing using a phase reversal test and (ii) Measurement of threshold for discrimination of spectrum-pattern shift using a ripple shift test. The noise was 0.5 oct wide centered below, on, or above the signal band (low-, on-, and high-frequency noise, respectively). Both the low-frequency and on-frequency noises increased the thresholds for both ripple-spacing and for ripple shift discrimination. However, the threshold dependence on the noise level was qualitatively different for the lowand on-frequency noises. For the on-frequency noise, the effect primarily depended on the noise/signal ratio. Alternatively, for the low-frequency noise, the effect primarily depended on the noise SPL. The high-frequency masker produced little effect. The data were successfully simulated using an excitation- pattern model. According to this model, the effect of the onfrequency noise appeared due to a decrease of ripple depth when the noise overlapped the signal, thus depending mostly on the noise/signal ratio. The effect of the low-frequency noise appeared due to widening of the auditory lters at high sound levels, thus depending mostly on the noise SPL.

Key words: hearing, rippled spectra, noise

Cite: Milekhina O. N., Nechaev D. I., Supin A. Ya. Razlichenie zvukovykh signalov s grebenchatym spektrom na fone shumov raznogo spektralnogo sostava [Discrimination of sound signals with rippled spectra in the noises of different spectral compositions]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2016. V. 30(3). P. 215-221 (in Russian).


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