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The reflection of binaural mechanisms of noise resistance of hearing in terms of long-latency auditory evoked potentials

© 1993 Ya. A. Altman, S. F. Vaitulevich, N. V. Maltzeva, S. P. Pack, B. N. Nikolski

Cite: Ya. A. Altman, Vaitulevich S. F., Maltzeva N. V., Pack S. P., Nikolski B. N. Otrazhenie binauralnogo mekhanizma pomekhoustoichivosti slukha v dlinnolatentnykh slukhovykh vyzvannykh potentsialakh cheloveka [The reflection of binaural mechanisms of noise resistance of hearing in terms of long-latency auditory evoked potentials]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 1993. V. 7(2). P. 52-58 (in Russian).