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© 2025 Т. G. Kuznetsova, М. L. Struzhkin, I. Yu. Golubeva, E. A. Rodina, E. A. Ogorodnikova

Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 199034, Makarov emb., 6, St. Petersburg, Russia
A.S. Pushkin Leningrad State University, 196605, Saint Petersburg, Pushkin city, Peterburgskoe Shosse, 10, Russia

Received 13 Nov 2024

The work continues a cycle of psychophysical experiments on studying the features of visual stimuli recognition of different colors and different sizes by children of early preschool age. For measurements, a game method of visual choice using a touch screen monitor in quiet conditions and under an acoustic background – a recording of noise in a kindergarten group, including children’s spoken language (“children’s polyphony”). The noise was fed through headphones, its intensity was 45 dB (the level of spoken language). The study involved children aged 3–4 years (n = 31) attending a city kindergarten. All children had normal vision and hearing. The results confirmed previously obtained data that children of this age are significantly worse at choosing from geometric figures by the feature “color” than by the feature “size” (number of errors). The introduction of the noise of “children’s polyphony” does not change this ratio, but significantly increases the number of attempts to solve and the time of the sensorimotor response (p<0.01), especially when choosing by the “color” feature (p<0.001). Additional behavioral analysis made it possible to identify a subgroup of conditionally “anxious” children, whose visual choice indicators, especially against the background of acoustic interference, were 3–4 times worse than the other test participants. When comparing the results with the data of the previous study, it was found that adult conversational speech is a stronger perceptual interference compared to the noise of “children’s polyphony”. This can be explained by the adaptation of children to the noise background of the kindergarten, but requires continuation of the study with a more detailed analysis of the noise characteristics, as well as the psychological profile of children and their anxiety level. The results are of practical importance for the organization of learning processes, including correctional work in the field of special education.

Key words: visual perception, geometric figures of different colors, geometric figures of different sizes, early preschool age, acoustic background

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009225010034  EDN: UUVFYR

Cite: Kuznetsova Т. G., Struzhkin М. L., Golubeva I. Yu., Rodina E. A., Ogorodnikova E. A. Vliyanie akusticheskogo fona na vybor zritelnykh stimulov detmi rannego doshkolnogo vozrasta [Influence of acoustic background on the choice of visual stimuli by children of early preschool age]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2025. V. 39(1). P. 27–34 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009225010034


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