Indications for cochlear implantation are constantly expanding, going beyond severe and complete hearing loss, including
patients with unilateral deafness and, recently, with congenital inner ear malformations (Karamert et al., 2022). Among
congenital cases of sensorineural hearing loss, inner ear malformations (IEM) account for approximately 20% of cases,
with up to 35% of them meeting the criteria for cochlear implantation (Sennaroglu et al., 2017). Due to the wider use of
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computerized tomography (CT) scanning of the temporal bone, the population of
cochlear implant (CI) recipients among patients with IEM is also expanding, which naturally requires a retrospective
assessment of clinical outcomes. At the same time, it is certainly important to evaluate not only the surgical results,
which characterize, first of all, the safety of CI in this subgroup of patients, but also audiological outcomes: the
degree of restoration of speech and auditory perception, without which it is impossible to get a complete picture of the
effectiveness of cochlear implantation. Given the diverse anatomy of the cochlea in IEM, when planning cochlear
implantation, determining of the electrode subtype, length and depth of its insertion, as well as the choice between CI
or auditory brainstem implantation is of paramount importance not only for the success of the surgical intervention
itself, but also for the results of subsequent auditory and speech rehabilitation. The purpose of this review is to
analyze actual data about the audiological results assessment of cochlear implantation in patients with congenital IEM
compared to patients with normal cochlear anatomy. We tried to identify IEM, in which CI gives the best results, as well
as those malformations that require careful planning of surgery, specific selection of the electrode, as well as
prevention of possible perioperative complications.
Key words:
cochlear implantation, inner ear malformations, a type of electrode grid
DOI: 10.31857/S0235009225010018
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