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Dependence of the results of the assessment of fusion reserves on the measurement method, tools and parameters of test stimuli

© 2022 N. N. Vasilyeva, G. I. Rozhkova, M. A. Gracheva, A. S. Bolshakov

Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute), Russian Academy of Sciences, 127051 Moscow, B. Karetny per. 19, Build. 1, Russia

Received 16 Mar 2022

Measurement of fusional reserves (FR) is one of the main procedures used for assessing the conditions of binocular functions in patients, and for differential diagnostics of visual disorders. Nevertheless, among ophthalmologists and specialists in visual perception, there is still no consensus on the best method and procedure for measuring FR. The reasons of such situation could be complexity of interactions between sensory, accommodative and oculomotor mechanisms of vision during the measurement procedures, as well as dependence of the results obtained on methods and tools employed. Nevertheless, for correct interpretation and effective use of the FR estimates, it is necessary to clearly understand the essence of testing and the degree of influence of various factors on the measurement results. It is also important for improving the methods of the FR assessment and elaborating better diagnostic criteria. One of the ways to approach this goal is to compare the FR data obtained by different methods on the same participants. Some studies in this direction have been already conducted, but they are still insufficient for comprehensive conclusions. This article contains a comparative analysis of the results obtained employing traditional measurements of FR on the synoptophore and applying novel computerized methods. The advantages and disadvantages of various methods, the prospects for their improvement and standardization are discussed.

Key words: binocular vision, fusion reserves, accommodation, vergence, synoptophore, prism bar, computer methods of visual function assessment, stereopair separation techniques

DOI: 10.31857/S023500922203009X

Cite: Vasilyeva N. N., Rozhkova G. I., Gracheva M. A., Bolshakov A. S. Zavisimost rezultatov otsenki fuzionnykh rezervov ot metoda izmereniya, instrumentariya i parametrov testovykh stimulov [Dependence of the results of the assessment of fusion reserves on the measurement method, tools and parameters of test stimuli]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2022. V. 36(3). P. 199–217 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S023500922203009X


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